J & K miserable in Phoenix

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Just wanted to share with you...

You should all go to www.stuffonmycat.com . I promise you will not regret it. I laughed my ass off. I just kept going from page to page. It is like cat heroin. Hope you enjoy!!!

Sunday, November 06, 2005

Kennedy Space Center

Our day at Kennedy Space Center started out like most of our days in Florida and Disney in general... Hurry up and wait. The bus was an hour late picking us up and all I could think of was wow, I could have gotten another hour of sleep!!! But I was just bitter and sleep deprived. The bus came and we were on our way. It was 45 minutes away and the bus so cold I thought I was in the end scene of the Shining. We finally arrived and had to be practically strip searched to enter the facility. (note to self, leave the pipe bomb at home next time) Anyway.. it really was neat. We saw a couple of films and got to see the actual command station computer consoles used in the moon landing. We saw Apollo 8, the first shuttle to go from Earth to the moon, around and back. It is impossible to describe how giant this thing was. You literally have to see it to believe it. The sign said it is the length of 2.4 Statue of Liberty's.

We saw the new IMAX 3D with Tom Hanks and got to go inside the space shuttle Explorer. The all day tour ended at the rocket garden and the memorial to the fallen astronauts. It was very moving. Then the bus picked us up and little Belle (my 5 year old neice) decided she wanted to sit with me on the bus ride back to the hotel. I have never been a human pillow before. It was interesting. She is a sweet kid. I have no idea why she likes me so much. =).

Hope you all have a great start to your week!

The moon rover.. do you think that thing can pick up HBO? Posted by Picasa

That is the launch pad!! Posted by Picasa

Little Belle all tired out from our day! Posted by Picasa

A reflection of the flags in the Astronaut Memorial. Posted by Picasa

The space shuttle Explorer. Posted by Picasa

Me and a model of Apollo 8. Posted by Picasa

Apollo 8.  Posted by Picasa

From an observation deck at KSC. Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Halloween ...mediocre style.

Halloween was not nearly as grand a scale this year as I have been accustomed to in the past. The party was low key and a little smaller than the norm but ot's okay. Everyone had great costumes and most of our close friends made it. I only have a few pics and they are not so great.. sorry. The pics I posted are from after the fact. I am going to post about Kennedy Space Center tomorrow!! Hope you all had a lovely holiday!

Eye see you =). Posted by Picasa

The all seeing eye??

I had a lot of fun with this. Movie monster on a whatever I could find in the house budget.

This was the pumpkin I decorated for work. I wasn't allowed to carve it. Posted by Picasa

I have no idea how I would deliver packages in those shoes.  Posted by Picasa

Happy Halloween from your local Naughty Postal Carrier!! My hat says XXX Press Service. Posted by Picasa