J & K miserable in Phoenix

Thursday, September 21, 2006

Once more to Williams...

We decided that since Joe got his new telescope we would head back up to Williams where there is less light polution to play with it. We invited our friends Jen and Jeff up with us. A good time was had by all. We went to the Grand Canyon (yawn.) We also went to a lava tube / ice cave to hike. It was crazy and some of the parts were so low you practically had to crawl along the ground! We made it all the way in and back out so we were proud. =). We saw a silly gunfight and stopped in Sedona on the way home. There are a ton of pics of our little adventure!

Joe doing his best impression of a blowfish trying to take our picture. Posted by Picasa

The Jasmine room at the B & B we stayed at. Posted by Picasa

Jen and Jeff our friends and new cute couple. Posted by Picasa

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This is Jen's saying "Greetings from the Grand Canyon!" Posted by Picasa

This is how we feel about Joey and Jeff.. the sign could not have been more accurate. Posted by Picasa

Where do I put the quarter? Posted by Picasa

Entrance to the cave. Posted by Picasa

This was the wide section that was like a subway tunnell. Posted by Picasa

End o' the line! We made it to the end.. now we had to hike all the way out. TAXI! Posted by Picasa

We finished the cave and made it out alive! Posted by Picasa

They are so cute it's gross. Posted by Picasa

Waiting for the gunfight, sitting on hay.  Posted by Picasa

The silly cheezy gunfight in Williams. Posted by Picasa

Jeff made a friend! Posted by Picasa

My grumpy Joe at Grumpy Joe's on the way home through Sedona. Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

The day to day grind...

Okay so I know I have been a bad blogger lately. I just don't have anything new to chat about. We went to Williams again but this time with our friends Jen and Jeff. We got a new telescope and needed to go somewhere with less light polution to use it properly so Williams,AZ was the place. I have some cute pics that I will blog when I am at my desktop. Oh, well I guess that is new info.. I bought a MacBook and I am still learning how to use it. In other news, I got a fun package from Sue and Charlotte today with fun little gifts that made me smile and my GIANT CHUNKY FLIP FLOPS that I left in PA when we were there in April. I was very happy to have them back! Ok, well that is about it for now. I will login some fun pics from our trip tomorrow. Bye for now!