Time with Sue and Charlotte and life in general
I am a bad blog owner. Is that like a bad dog owner? Both involve neglect but I am unsure. So sorry. I don't realize that people even read my blog until I go on hiatus and then I start hearing complaints. It is somewhat surreal. I guess this just seems like a weird journal and I assume no one actually looks at it.
Well I have been a bad blogger but I have been a busy, busy girl. I have been painting the house and preparing for Sue and Charlotte to come to visit. They got here on the 14th I believe and leave this Thursday. It has gone by so fast and I am so sad. We have spent a lot of time with them and it has been great. This weekend we went to a strip club and had many cocktails and lap dances(except Charlotte.. she is too demure for such debauchery I am sure). We also went to a gay bar and saw a bad drag show, went to Heather and Tim's for dinner and if that is not enough, I had a luau. It was action packed.
I am going to try and post some luau pics but I can make no guarantees as to quality. My pics are taken with a digital video camera, not a digital camera.. therefore, I have no flash.. sorry folks. I have a thing for actual film. That is why I won't give up my Nikon.
For a better account of some of the activities you can all go to the lovely.. www.Sueandcharlotte.blogspot.com . It is by far my favorite blog. I highly suggest you check out the little videos section on the side of the blog. It is damn funny.
Welcome back!
your house is beautiful and your parties are fabulous. i am so glad we are here. we love and worship you
Thanks Zuph! Glad to be back!
Thanks Sue, you are of course equally worshipped!
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